Bothwell Families

These pages provide a glimpse into the life of the Bothwell Families during the 1800s. You will find Family Trees and Individual Timelines which may not be exhaustive but will be updated as more research is conducted. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

Thomas Harris (1788-1854)
Louisa Lawrence (1796-1829)
Sarah Cunningham (1790-1858)

🏠Property History
Family Timeline

Thomas Harris.

b: abt 1788, England (1); d: 10 Jul 1854, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (1); bur: aft 10 Jul 1854, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (2).

Spouse (1) - Louisa Lawrence.

b: abt 1796, place unknown (3); m: 8 Jun 1817, St Giles’ Church, Camberwell, Surrey, England (4); d: 21 Dec 1829, Deptford, Kent, England (3).

Children of Thomas Harris and Louise Lawrence:

  1. Thomas Harris - b: 4 May 1818, Deptford, Kent, England (5); bap: 31 May 1818, Deptford, Kent, England (5); d: 16 Feb 1886, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (6); bur: 17 Feb 1886, Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (7). Spouse - Caroline Sadler, daughter of James Sadler and Elizabeth Maton, b: abt 1826, place unknown (8); m: 26 Feb 1849, St John's Anglican Church, New Town, Tasmania, Australia (9); d: 26 Sep 1918, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (8); bur: aft 26 Sep 1918, Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (10).

  2. William Harris - b: 8 Apr 1821, Deptford, Kent, England (11); bap: 29 Apr 1821, Deptford, Kent, England (11); d: 22 Feb 1904, Geelong, Victoria, Australia (12); bur: 24 Feb 1904, Geelong West Public Cemetery, Geelong West, Victoria, Australia (13).

Spouse (2) - Sarah Cunningham.

b: abt 1790, place unknown (14); m: 31 Oct 1830, St Giles’ Church, Camberwell, Surrey, England (15); d: 27 Apr 1858, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (14); bur: aft 27 Apr 1858, the General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (16).

Children of Thomas Harris and Sarah Cunningham:

  1. Alfred Benjamin Harris - b: abt 1835, England (17); d: 21 Feb 1848, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (17); bur: aft 21 Feb 1848, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (18).

  2. Sarah Harris - b: 15 Apr 1836, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (19); bap: 14 May 1836, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (19); d: 8 Apr 1899, Constitution Hill, Dysart, Tasmania, Australia (20). Spouse - Robert John Nichols, son of John Nichols and Ann Fortnam, b: 7 Apr 1843, Green Ponds, Tasmania, Australia (21); bap: 3 Mary 1843, Green Ponds, Tasmania, Australia (21); m: 3 Feb 1864, Constitution Hill, Dysart, Tasmania, Australia (22); d: 15 Dec 1928, Dysart, Tasmania, Australia (23); bur: 17 Dec 1928, Congregational Cemetery, Kempton, Tasmania, Australia (21).

  3. Frederick Benjamin Harris - b: 17 Feb 1842, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (24); bap: 27 Mar 1842, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (25); d: 30 Nov 1843, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia (26).


Property in Bothwell purchased by Thomas Harris

For more information on this property click on the link under the map.
Complete and downloadable maps of the township are on the Property History page.

Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26 (modified)

Family Timeline of Thomas Harris, Louisa Lawrence and Sarah Cunningham

Abt 1788 - Thomas Harris was born in England. (1)

Abt 1790 - Thomas' second wife, Sarah Cunningham, was born, date and place unknown. (2)

Abt 1796 - Thomas' first wife, Louisa Lawrence, was born, date and place unknown. (3)

8 Jun 1817 - Thomas Harris, aged 29, married Louisa Lawrence, aged 21, at St Giles' Church in Camberwell, Surrey, England. (4)

4 May 1818 - Thomas Harris was born in Deptford, Kent, England. (5)

31 May 1818 - Thomas was baptised in Deptford, Kent, England. (5)

8 Apr 1821 - William Harris was born in Deptford, Kent, England. (6)

21 Apr 1821 - Thomas, a labourer, and Louisa lived at Bromfield Place in Deptford, Kent, England. (6)

29 Apr 1821 - William was baptised in Deptford, Kent, England. (6)

21 Dec 1829 - Louisa (Lawrence) Harris died in Deptford, Kent, England at the age of 33. (3)

31 Oct 1830 - Thomas Harris, aged about 44 and a widower, married Sarah Cunningham, aged about 40 and a spinster, in St Giles' Church in Camberwell, Surrey, England by Banns, as witnessed by Henry Stratton and Elizabeth Cunningham. (7)

abt 1835 - Alfred Benjamin Harris was born in England. (8)

15 Apr 1836 - Sarah Harris was born in Hobart. (9)

14 May 1836 - Sarah was baptised in Hobart. (9)

14 Aug 1836 - Thomas, a general dealer, and Sarah lived in Hobart. (9)

12 Oct 1841 - Newspaper advertisement.

BIBLE SOCIETY. The Committee of this Society having a very large assortment of Bibles and Testaments on hand, and being desirous of giving all an opportunity to procure the Holy Scriptures, inform the Public that they have authorised the Depositary and other parties who have undertaken the sale, to dispose of them at very low prices - Mrs Harris, Bothwell. (10)

1 Jan 1842: Counted on the census living at [1-C1] Alexander St.
Thomas Harris Snr (occupier), Archibald McDowall (owner), wood house, completed.
Male, (Thomas Harris), aged between 45 and under 60, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenters, shopkeeper.
Female (Sarah Harris), aged between 21 and under 45, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenters, other class.
Male (Thomas Harris), aged between 21 and under 45, single, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenters, other class.
Male (William Harris), aged between 14 and under 21, single, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenters, other class.
Male (Alfred Benjamin Harris), aged between 7 and under 14, single, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenters, other class.
Female (Sarah Harris), aged between 2 and under 7, single, born in the colony, other Protestant Dissenters, other class. (11)

17 Feb 1842 - Frederick Benjamin Harris was born in Bothwell, as reported by his father Thomas, a storekeeper, on August 8. (12)

27 Mar 1842 - Frederick was baptised in Bothwell. (13)

8 Jul 1843 - [1-C1] Alexander St. Archibald McDowall conveyed the 2 rood, 14 perch property to Thomas Harris Snr, Thomas Harris Jnr and William Harris for £130. (14)

30 Nov 1843 - Frederick Benjamin Harris died in Bothwell at 21 months old from inflammation of the bowels, as reported by his father Thomas on December 27. (15)

15 Mar 1845 - Newspaper article.

COMMISSARIAT CONTRACTS. We lay before our readers a list of the most important portion of the contracts for the ensuing season. They are wretchedly low, and present a melancholy prospect of remuneration to the contractors... Harris & Co, Fresh Meat, 2d per lb. (16)

9 Dec 1845 - Newspaper article.

NOTICE. The Road formerly made use of turning off at the Den Hill, through part of the Thorpe Estate, and thence past the Nant Mill, is now stopped. The authorised road for the public is through Bothwell.
The above notice having been published in the newspapers, we, the undersigned, deem it proper to advertise that the road therein referred to, and now attempted to be stopped up, is a Public Road, and that all persons have a right as heretofore to pass that way, the same having been selected by the inhabitants of the district as one of those absolutely necessary to be kept open; approved of, and confirmed by the Government in the Gazette; authorised by the law; and sanctioned by nearly thirty years undisputed use by the people.
T Harris & Co, William Clarke, Alexander Reid, Robert Barr, John Clarke, William Russell, Walter Synnot.

26 May 1847 - Harris & Co donated 10s to the Scotch and Irish Relief Fund. (18)

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census living at [1-C1] Alexander St.
Thomas Harris (owner, occupier), brick house, unfinished.
Male (Thomas Harris), aged between 45 and under 60, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenter, shopkeeper.
Female (Sarah Harris), aged between 45 and under 60, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenter, other class.
Male (William Harris), aged between 21 and under 45, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenter, other class.
Male (Alfred Benjamin Harris), aged between 7 and under 14, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenter, other class.
Female (Sarah Harris), aged between 7 and under 14, married, arrived free, other Protestant Dissenter, other class.
Male, aged between 21 and under 45, single, holding Ticket of Leave, other Protestant Dissenter, domestic servant. (19)

21 Feb 1848 - Alfred Benjamin Harris died in Bothwell at the age of 13 from dysentery, as reported by his brother William on the same day. He was buried at Bothwell Cemetery. (8)

26 Feb 1849 - Thomas Harris, a 30-year-old bachelor and gentleman, married Caroline Sadler, a 22-year-old spinster, at St John's Anglican Church, New Town according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by Licence. Witnessed by James Sadler and Elizabeth Sadler. (20)

HARRIS-SADLER - On the 26th Feb 1849, at St. John's Church, New Town, by the Rev T J Ewing, Mr Thomas Harris, of Hobart Town, to Caroline, fourth daughter of Mr James Sadler, of New Town. (21)

16 May 1849 - Newspaper advertisement.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is Hereby Given, that the business hitherto carried on by the undersigned as co-partners at Bothwell, under the style of "T Harris & Co," has, as far as relates to the undersigned, (Thomas Harris the younger), been dissolved by mutual consent, as on and from the second day of April instant. Dated the 12th day of May, 1849. Thomas Harris Snr, Thomas Harris Jnr, William Harris. Witness - H M Cockerill. The business will henceforth be carried on by us under the same style. Thomas Harris Snr and William Harris. (22)

4 Sep 1849 - Newspaper advertisement.

WHEREAS, certain measures have been pursued by Mr T Harris, the elder, of Bothwell, which prevent the business carried on by him and me, under the style of "T Harris & Co," from being properly conducted, and which, indeed, have compelled me to leave my home. This is to caution all parties against giving any credit in future on account of the said firm, as I will not be responsible for any further transactions. WILLIAM HARRIS, Aug 29. (23)

16 Oct 1849 - [1-C1] Alexander St. Thomas Harris Snr, Thomas Harris Jnr and William Harris conveyed the 2 rood, 14 perch property to Henry Speak and William Rout. (24)

17 Oct 1849 - Newspaper advertisement.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between Thomas Harris, the elder, and William Harris, carrying on business at Bothwell as General Dealers, under the firm of "T Harris and Co," has been this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that the said business will in future be carried on by the said William Harris, who will receive all debts due to the late firm, and discharge its liabilities.
Dated this sixteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. Thomas Harris, William Harris. Witness - Joseph Allport, Solicitor, Hobart Town.

16 Nov 1850 - Newspaper advertisement.

PURSUANT to the proviso for that purpose contained in a certain indenture bearing date the 10th day of May in the year 1849 and made or expressed to be made between Thomas Harris the elder, Thomas Harris the younger and William Harris therein described as of Bothwell in Van Diemen's Land shopkeepers of the first part, John Michael Loughnan of Hobart Town in Van Diemen's Land aforesaid merchant, Thomas Macdowell of Hobart Town aforesaid Esquire and John Roberts of Hobart Town aforesaid solicitor of the second part, and Henry Hopkins of Hobart Town aforesaid Esquire, William Rout of Hobart Town aforesaid ironmonger and Alexander McNaughten of Hobart Town aforesaid merchant of the third part. Notice is hereby given that default having been made in payment of the interest due to the said Henry Hopkins, William Rout and Alexander McNaughten under the said indenture the messuage land and hereditaments thereby mortgaged will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION on MONDAY the 23rd day of December next by MR THOMAS YARDLEY LOWES, Auctioneer at his Mint, Collins-street, Hobart Town at 1 o'clock - And the land thus to be sold is described in the said indenture as follows:
ALL that ALLOTMENT or PIECE of LAND situate and being in the township of Bothwell in Van Diemen's Land aforesaid containing two roods and fourteen perches or thereabouts and bounded as follows (that is to say) on the west by one hundred and thirty-four links or thereabouts along Dalrymple-street, north by four hundred and fifty-seven links or thereabouts along Alexander-street, east by part of an allotment occupied by or belonging to Thomas Hopkins, extending southerly and south by four hundred and fifty links or thereabouts along an allotment originally of Cornelius Randall extending westerly to Dalrymple-street aforesaid, together with the messuage or tenement thereon erected and built. Dated this 14th day of November 1850. ALLPORT & ROBERTS, Attorneys for the Mortgagees.

14 Sep 1853 - Thomas signed a petition against the removal of the resident Assistant Police Magistrate from the District of Bothwell. (27)

10 Jul 1854 - Thomas Harris, a 66-year-old storekeeper, died in Bothwell from dropsy, as reported by his daughter Sarah on July 27, who stated he died on that day. However his death notice was printed July 24, 1854 with a date of July 10, 1854. He was buried at Bothwell Cemetery. (1)

HARRIS - On the 10th July, 1854, at his residence, Bothwell, Mr Thomas Harris, after a long and painful illness, aged 66 years. (28)

8 Aug 1856 - Newspaper advertisement.

BAZAAR AT BOTHWELL. A Bazaar in aid of the School-house at Bothwell will be held there in November. Articles kindly contributed will be received by Mrs Langdon, Mrs Hesketh, Mrs Williams, Mrs Teush, Mrs Moyes, Mrs Harris, Mrs Whiteway. (29)

27 Apr 1858 - Sarah (Cunningham) Harris died in Bothwell at the age of 68 from dropsy, as reported by her friend, Frederick Rout, on May 11. She was buried at Bothwell Cemetery. (2, 30)

HARRIS - Died on the 29th April, 1858 at Bothwell, aged 68 years, Sarah relict of the late Mr Thomas Harris. (31)

18 Dec 1860 - [1-C1] Alexander St. Executors of Sarah (Cunningham) Harris conveyed the 2 rood, 14 perch property to James Harcourt for £500. (32)


Family of Thomas Harris

  1. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Thomas Harris, no 110/1854, Bothwell (

  2. Tasmania: Bothwell Cemetery Records, Thomas Harris, 1854, site unknown.

  3. ancestry: England and Wales, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1936, Louisa Harris, 1821, Deptford, Kent (

  4. ancestry: London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1938, Harris-Lawrence, 1817, Camberwell (

  5. ancestry: London, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1923, Thomas William Harris, 1818, Deptford, Kent (

  6. Victoria: Births, Deaths & Marriages (, Thomas Harris, death, no 1591/1886, Geelong.

  7. Find A Grave, Thomas Harris, 1886, Grave Memorial ID 164068270, citing Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria, Australia; maintained by Ron M, contributor 48458376 (

  8. Victoria: Births, Deaths & Marriages, Carol Harris, death, no 9023/1918, Geelong.

  9. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Marriages, Tasmania (RGD37), Harris-Sadler, no 291/1849, New Town (

  10. Find A Grave, Caroline Harris, 1918, Memorial ID 164068189, citing Geelong Eastern Cemetery, Geelong, Victoria, Australia; maintained by Ron M, contributor 48458376 (

  11. London, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1923, William Benjamin Harris, 1821, Deptford, Kent (

  12. Victoria: Births, Deaths & Marriages, Wm Harris, death, no 1544/1904, Geelong.

  13. Find A Grave, William Harris, 1904 (

  14. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Sarah Harris, no 11/1858, Bothwell (

  15. ancestry: London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1938, Harris-Cunningham, 1830, Camberwell (

  16. Bothwell Cemetery Records, Sarah Harris, 1858, site unknown. Bothwell Cemetery Records, Sarah Harris, 1858, site unknown.

  17. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Alfred Benjamin Harris, no 29/1848, Bothwell (

  18. Bothwell Cemetery Records, Alfred Benjamin Harris, 1848, site unknown.

  19. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Baptisms, Tasmania (RGD32), Sarah Mary Harris, no 6958/1836, Hobart (

  20. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Sarah Nichols, no 314/1899, Green Ponds (

  21. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Personal," Nichols, 31 Dec 1928, p6 (

  22. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Marriages, Tasmania (RGD37), Nichols-Harris, no 11/1864, Brighton (

  23. The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Deaths & Funerals," Nichols, 17 Dec 1928, p1 (

  24. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Births, Tasmania (RGD33), Frederick Benjamin Harris, no 146/1842, Hamilton (

  25. Baptismal Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854), Tasmanian Archives, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, Frederick Benjamin Harris, no 17/1842.

  26. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Frederick Benjamin Harris, no 54/1843, Hamilton (

Family Timeline of Thomas Smith

  1. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Thomas Harris, no 110/1854, Bothwell (

  2. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Sarah Harris, no 11/1858, Bothwell (

  3. ancestry: England and Wales, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1936, Louisa Harris, 1821, Deptford, Kent (

  4. ancestry: London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1938, Harris-Lawrence, 1817, Camberwell (

  5. ancestry: London, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1923, Thomas William Harris, 1818, Deptford, Kent (

  6. London, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1923, William Benjamin Harris, 1821, Deptford, Kent (

  7. ancestry: London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1938, Harris-Cunningham, 1830, Camberwell (

  8. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Alfred Benjamin Harris, no 29/1848, Bothwell (

  9. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Baptisms, Tasmania (RGD32), Sarah Mary Harris, no 6958/1836, Hobart (

  10. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Bible Society," Harris, 12 Oct 1841, p2 (

  11. Libraries Tasmania: Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), Thomas Harris, p251/1842 (

  12. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Births, Tasmania (RGD33), Frederick Benjamin Harris, no 146/1842, Hamilton (

  13. Baptismal Register of the Bothwell Church of England (NS1854), Tasmanian Archives, microfilm Z2238, NS1854/1/1, Frederick Benjamin Harris, no 17/1842.

  14. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Thomas Harris, historic deed, no 02/6319.

  15. Registers of Deaths, Tasmania (RGD35), Frederick Benjamin Harris, no 54/1843, Hamilton (

  16. TROVE: The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Commissariat Contracts," 15 Mar 1845, p3 (

  17. TROVE: The Hobart Town Advertiser (TAS : 1839-1861), "Notice," 9 Dec 1845, p1 (

  18. Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Scotch and Irish Relief Fund," 26 Feb 1847, p2 (

  19. Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), Thomas Harris, p267/1848 (

  20. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Marriages, Tasmania (RGD37), Harris-Sadler, no 291/1849, New Town (

  21. TROVE: Launceston Examiner (TAS : 1842-1899), "Marriages," Harris-Sadler, 28 Feb 1849, p6 (

  22. The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Dissolution of Partnership," Harris, 16 May 1849, p3 (

  23. The Hobart Town Advertiser (TAS : 1839-1861), "Notice," Harris, 4 Sep 1849, p3 (

  24. The List: Properties & Titles, Thomas Harris, historic deed, no 03/4822.

  25. The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Notice," Harris, 17 Oct 1849, p3 (

  26. The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Notice," Harris, 16 Nov 1850, p3 (

  27. The Hobart Town Advertiser (TAS : 1839-1861), "Petition, Police District of Bothwell," 14 Sep 1853, p2 (

  28. TROVE: The Tasmanian Colonist (Hobart, TAS : 1851-1855), "Deaths," Harris, 24 Jul 1854, p2 (

  29. The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Bazaar at Bothwell," 8 Aug 1856, p1 (

  30. TROVE: The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1858-1860), "Died," Harris, 5 May 1858, p2 (

  31. Tasmania: Bothwell Cemetery Records, Sarah Harris, 1858, site unknown.

  32. The List: Properties & Titles, Henry Speak, historic deed, no 04/9419.