Bothwell Families

These pages provide a glimpse into the life of the Bothwell Families during the 1800s. You will find Family Trees and Individual Timelines which may not be exhaustive but will be updated as more research is conducted. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided.

Eli Parker (1809-1861)
Charlotte Geldard (1819-1885)

🏠Property History

Eli Parker. 🧑🏻 Individual Timeline

b: abt 1809, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, England; d: 26 Apr 1861, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

Spouse - Charlotte Geldard. 👧🏻 Individual Timeline

b: abt 1819, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England; m: 31 Aug 1846, Minister's house, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 3 Apr 1885, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

Spouse (2) - Thomas Smith - b: abt 1821, place unknown; m: 26 Mar 1862, [1-A6] Franklin St, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: date and place unknown.

Children of Eli Parker and Charlotte Geldard:

  1. Eli Parker - b: 12 Oct 1846, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 21 Oct 1846, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 29 Oct 1846, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: aft 29 Oct 1846, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

  2. Susan Parker - b: 9 Sep 1847, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 19 Sep 1847, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 27 Sep 1847, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: aft 27 Sep 1847, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

  3. Robert Parker - b: 9 Oct 1848, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 12 Dec 1848, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: date and place unknown. Spouse - Amy Powells, b: abt 1854, place unknown; m: 8 Feb 1870, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: date and place unknown.

  4. William Parker - b: 11 Jul 1850, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 28 Jul 1850, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 8 Feb 1851, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: aft 8 Feb 1851, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

  5. William Parker - b: 1 Jan 1852, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bap: 15 Jan 1852, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; d: 14 Mar 1852, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia; bur: aft 14 Mar 1852, General Cemetery, Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.

Properties in Bothwell granted to Eli Parker

[1-A6] Patrick St

For more information on these properties click on the links under each map.
Complete and downloadable maps of the township are on the Property History page.

Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26 (modified)

Individual Timeline for Eli Parker (1809-1861)

Abt 1809 - Eli Parker was born in Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, England.

4 Mar 1837 - Assizes, Buckinghamshire, England. Convicted of stealing clothes - sentenced to 7 years transportation. Gaol Report - bad, in custody often. Stated this Offence - “Stealing clothes, prosecutor James Jack; once for poaching, 3 months; once for assault, discharged; once for a row, discharged; once on suspicion, discharged. Married, 4 children. Wife Phyllis at Native Place.”

14 Apr 1838 - Departed from Portsmouth, Hampshire, England on board the Lord William Bentinck II bound for Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Hulk Report - good.

25 Aug 1838 - Arrived at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia after a voyage of 4 months, 12 days.
Description upon arrival: Trade - farm labourer, ploughman, hedger & ditcher; Height - 5' 4½"; Age - 32; Complexion - dark; Head - small; Hair - black; Whiskers - red to brown; Visage - small, oval; Forehead - high; Eyebrows - dark brown; Eyes - grey; Nose - large; Mouth - small; Chin - small; Remarks - left arm tattooed; Native Place - Haddenham.

10 Feb 1843 - Ticket of Leave approved.

4 Mar 1844 - Certificate of Freedom approved.

31 Jul 1846 - Permission to marry approved for Eli Parker, free, and Charlotte Geldard, Angelina.

31 Aug 1846 - Eli Parker married Charlotte Geldard at the Minister's house, Bothwell according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Scotland; witnessed by John White and Eliza Parker. Eli was aged 32 and a gardener; Charlotte was aged 27 and a house maid.

12 Oct 1846 - Birth of his son Eli Parker at Bothwell.

21 Oct 1846 - Baptism of son Eli Parker at Bothwell.

29 Oct 1846 - Death of his son Eli Parker at the age of 17 days at Bothwell.

9 Sep 1847 - Birth of his daughter Susan Parker at Bothwell.

19 Sep 1847 - Baptism of his daughter Susan Parker at Bothwell.

27 Sep 1847 - Death of his daughter Susan Parker from convulsions at the age of 8 days at Bothwell.

29 Sep 1847 - Lived at Bothwell; occupation - gardener.

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census living at Logan.
Eli Parker (occupier), Archibald McDowall (owner), house, completed, inhabited.
Male (Eli Parker), aged between 21-45, free person, Church of England, married, gardener.
Female (Charlotte Parker), aged between 21-45, in private service, Church of England, married, other class.

9 Oct 1848 - Birth of his son Robert Parker at Bothwell.

11 Oct 1848 - Lower Court, Bothwell. Eli Parker, free by servitude, can read and write. Charged on complaint of Constable John McGinnes with having been drunk and made use of obscene language in the public streets on the 10th October last. Pleaded guilty. Found guilty and fined 5s for each offence.

12 Dec 1848 - Baptism of his son Robert Parker at Bothwell.

16 Jan 1849 - Lower Court, Bothwell. Eli Parker, free by servitude, can read and write. Charged on complaint of the Chief District Constable with having disturbed the public peace in the public streets on 16th Jan inst. Pleaded guilty. Found guilty and fined 5s.

2 Jan 1850 - Lower Court, Bothwell. Eli Parker, free by servitude, aged 40, read and write imperfectly. Charged on complaint of Constable Richard Burrows with having been drunk in the public streets of Bothwell. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty and fined 5s. Richard Burrows being sworn said I am a constable at Bothwell. I apprehended defendant Eli Parker in the public streets of Bothwell this morning about two o'clock about fifty yards from his own door, he was drunk. I advised him to go home. He asked me what I had to do with him, he was a free man. I told him he should not be going about the streets at that time making a noise and said he had better go to bed. He said he would go to bed when he liked. Charged on complaint of Constable Edward Wright with having assaulted him, the said Constable Edward Wright, in the execution of his duty on this 2nd day of January inst. Pleaded guilty. Found guilty and fined 5s.

11 Jul 1850 - Birth of his son William Parker at Bothwell.

28 Jul 1850 - Baptism of his son William Parker at Bothwell.

18 Oct 1850 - Lower Court, Bothwell. Eli Parker, free by servitude, age 48, read & write imperfectly. Charged on complaint of Constable John Ryan with having been drunk and made use of obscene language in the public streets of Bothwell on the 17th October 1850. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty and fined 5s. John Ryan being sworn in said I am a constable. Between nine and ten o'clock going along the street, each had a child in their arms and defendant was abusing his wife. He called her a bloody whore, told her she was a bloody cow, that she should not stop with him any longer, that he should put her away, whereas she wanted to live with other men she should do so and he could take one child and she should take the other. He was staggering from one side to the other. I took him in charge to the watch-house. I saw both defendants, him and his wife in Macdonald's public house at first, then next place I saw them was opposite Whiteway's door, they were making towards home then, one a little in front of the other. I took defendant into custody near Whiteway's stock yard.
8 Feb 1851 - Death of his son William Parker from convulsions at the age of 6 months at Bothwell.

1 Jan 1852 - Birth of his son William Parker at Bothwell.

15 Jan 1852 - Baptism of his son William Parker at Bothwell.

14 Mar 1852 - Death of his son William Parker from convulsions at the age of 2 months at Bothwell.

8 Feb 1855 - Lower Court, Bothwell. Eli Parker, free by servitude, age 46, read and write imperfectly. Charged on complaint of the Chief District Constable with having been drunk in a public place at Bothwell on the 7th February. Pleaded guilty. Found guilty and fined £1. Charged on complaint of the Chief District Constable Mr John Brown with having on the 7th February at Bothwell, resisted Constable William Hastie in the execution of his duty as a constable and damaged his clothes. Pleaded guilty. Found guilty and fined £1 and ordered to pay 2s, the amount of damages done to the constable's clothes.

18 Apr 1855 - [1-A6] Franklin St - Eli Parker purchased crown land for £16 10s - 5a 0r 4p.

18 Apr 1855 - [1-J6] Franklin St - Eli Parker purchased crown land for £22 - 0a 1r 33p.

18 Apr 1855 - [1-L7] High St - Eli Parker purchased crown land for £10 - 0a 1r 30p.

18 Jun 1855 - [1-A6] Franklin St - Land granted to Eli Parker - 5a 0r 4p.

20 Jun 1855 - [1-J6] Franklin St - Land granted to Eli Parker - 0a 1r 33p.

20 Jun 1855 - [1-L7] High St - Land granted to Eli Parker - 0a 1r 30p.

26 Jun 1855 - [1-A6] Franklin St - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Eli Parker upon receipt of £16 10s duly paid to the Crown - 5a 0r 4p.

2 Jul 1855 - [1-L7] High St - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Eli Parker for upon receipt of 10 duly paid to the Crown - 0a 1r 33p.

3 Jul 1855 - [1-J6] Franklin St - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Eli Parker for upon receipt of £22 duly paid to the Crown - 0a 1r 33p.

8 Apr 1856 - [1-A6] Franklin St - Eli Parker (owner, occupier), freehold, cottage, garden.

7 Aug 1857 - [1-J6] Franklin St - Eli Parker conveyed to John Bale for £20 - 0a 1r 33p.

Bef 18 May 1858 - [1-L7] High St - Eli Parker conveyed to Aaron Patient however a conveyance has not been located - 0a 1r 30p.

18 May 1858 - [1-A6] Franklin St - Eli Parker (owner, occupier), house, garden, land, 5½ acres, annual value £14.

6 Jul 1859 - Named as having donated 3s to the Wesleyan Chapel building fund.

26 Apr 1861 - Eli died from natural causes by going into the River Clyde for the purpose of removing some stones and thereby catching cold at the age of 52 years at Bothwell.

27 Apr 1861 - Inquest of Eli Parker at [1-F1] Patrick St, White Hart Inn, who came to his death by natural causes accelerated by catching cold by going into the River Clyde for the purpose of removing some stones.

Individual Timeline for Charlotte Geldard (1819-1885)

Abt 1819 - Charlotte Geldard was born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, England.

4 Sep 1843 - Quarter Sessions, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. Convicted of stealing money - sentenced to 7 years transportation. Gaol Report - second conviction. Stated this Offence - “Stealing four sovereigns from a man, prosecutor Thomas Sutton; once for sheets, one month. Married.”

28 Apr 1844 - Departed from Woolwich, Kent, England on board the Angelina bound for Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

25 Aug 1844 - Arrived at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia after a voyage of 3 months, 29 days. Surgeon's Report - good.
Description upon arrival: Trade - dairy woman, wash and iron; Height - 5' 2½"; Age - 23; Complexion - fair; Head - oval; Hair - brown; Visage - round; Forehead - low; Eyebrows - sandy, thin; Eyes - hazel, grey; Nose - small; Mouth - wide; Chin - large; Native Place - near Wakefield; Remarks - scar on left wrist; scar on right wrist; Religion - Church of England; Read/Write - neither; Status - married; Family Members Living - Husband James transported to Tasmania under the name of John Thomson nine months ago; Mother - Ann; Brothers - Charles, John, Robert, Peter; Sisters - Jane, Mary, Hannah all near native place.

31 Jul 1846 - Permission to marry approved for Eli Parker, free; Charlotte Geldard, Angelina.

31 Aug 1846 - Charlotte Geldard married Eli Parker at the Minister's house, Bothwell according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Scotland; witnessed by John White and Eliza Parker. Eli was aged 32 and a gardener; Charlotte was aged 27 and a house maid.

12 Oct 1846 - Birth of her son Eli Parker at Bothwell.

21 Oct 1846 - Baptism of her son Eli Parker at Bothwell.

29 Oct 1846 - Death of her son Eli Parker at the age of 17 days at Bothwell.

19 Jan 1847 - Attended muster at Bothwell.

9 Sep 1847 - Birth of her daughter Susan Parker at Bothwell.

19 Sep 1847 - Baptism of her daughter Susan Parker at Bothwell.

27 Sep 1847 - Death of her daughter Susan Parker from convulsions at the age of 8 days at Bothwell.

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census living at Logan, near Bothwell.
Eli Parker (occupier), Archibald McDowall (owner), house, completed, inhabited.
Male (Eli Parker), aged between 21-45, free person, Church of England, married, gardener.
Female (Charlotte Parker), aged between 21-45, in private service, Church of England, married, other class.

9 May 1848 - Ticket of Leave approved.

9 Oct 1848 - Birth of her son Robert Parker at Bothwell.

12 Dec 1848 - Baptism of her son Robert Parker at Bothwell.

12 Jul 1849 - Convicted of making away with her husband's money and property, 6 months hard labour.

4 Oct 1849 - Petition for a mitigation of six months sentence in Jul 1849 - approved.

11 Jul 1850 - Birth of her son William Parker at Bothwell.

28 Jul 1850 - Baptism of her son William Parker at Bothwell.

20 Sep 1850 - Certificate of Freedom approved.

18 Oct 1850 - Her husband Eli Parker appeared at the Lower Court, Bothwell. Charged on complaint of Constable John Ryan with having drunk and made use of obscene language in the public streets of Bothwell on the 17th October 1850. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty and fined 5s. John Ryan being sworn in said I am a constable. Between nine and ten o'clock going along the street, each had a child in their arms and defendant was abusing his wife. He called her a bloody whore, told her she was a bloody cow, that she should not stop with him any longer, that he should put her away, whereas she wanted to live with other men she should do so and he could take one child and she should take the other. He was staggering from one side to the other. I took him in charge to the watch-house. I saw both defendants, him and his wife in Macdonald's public house at first, then next place I saw them was opposite Whiteway's door, they were making towards home then, one a little in front of the other. I took defendant into custody near Whiteway's stock yard.

8 Feb 1851 - Death of her son William Parker from convulsions at the age of 6 months at Bothwell.

1 Jan 1852 - Birth of her son William Parker at Bothwell.

15 Jan 1852 - Baptism of her son William Parker at Bothwell.

14 Mar 1852 - Death of her son William Parker from convulsions at the age of 2 months at Bothwell.

2 Feb 1855 - Witness at the marriage of James Whiteway and Eleanor Smith at Bothwell.

9 Feb 1861 - Charged with common assault upon Rosanna Bale - fined £5.

26 Apr 1861 - Death of her spouse Eli Parker from natural causes by going into the River Clyde for the purpose of removing some stones and thereby catching cold at the age of 52 in Bothwell.

19 Nov 1861 - [1-A6] Franklin St - Charlotte Parker (owner), house, ground, 5½ acres, annual value £14.

26 Mary 1862 - Charlotte (Geldard) Parker married Thomas Smith at [2-A6] Franklin St, Bothwell according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of Scotland by Licence; witnessed by William Willoughby and Mary Willoughby. Thomas was aged 41, a bachelor and a labourer; Charlotte was aged 43 and a widow.

24 Sep 1868 - Newspaper advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act:" Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate their interest in the said lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed.
BOTHWELL - 0a 1r 11p. Fronting upon Franklin and Michael-streets and adjoining land occupied by or belonging to Richard Wyatt and Thomas Hale respectively. Originally granted to Charles Thomas Smith.
CHARLOTTE SMITH, 17th October, 1868.

8 Feb 1870 - Witness at the marriage of her son Robert Parker and Amy Powells at Bothwell.

3 Apr 1885 - Charlotte died from inflammation of the bowels at the age of 66 years at Bothwell.