Map 1
Sections 20 to 24

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website

[1-20] Alexander Street - 0a 3r 2p

Edward Simon Arnett, Undertakers.

Tasmanian Archives - Photo PH30/1/6472

Bounded on the South by two chains and fifty-three links along Alexander Street commencing at the angle of that street with James Street; on the North-East by three chains and two links north-westerly along land granted to Thomas Young; on the North by two chains fifty-four links and three-quarters of a link westerly in two bearings along land granted to John Stevens and along land granted to Mary Ann Arnett, Tamar Maskell, Sarah Jane Triffett and Rebecca Blake to James Street aforesaid; and thence on the South-West by two chains, ninety-nine links and one half of a link south-easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 roods, 2 perches. (1)

19 Apr 1836 - William Lindsay conveyed to George Larkins for £33. (2)

1 Jan 1842 - Counted on the census. Samuel Hockey (occupier), George Larkins owner), wood house, completed, inhabited. (3)

10 Jan 1846 - Mortgage produced from George Larkins to Henry Hopkins, William Rout and George Washington Walker to secure £450 to be repaid on 28 Dec 1850 with interest of £7 per centum per annum payable quarterly - [1-3], [1-20], [1-B5], [1-E2], [1-F1]. (4)

Bef 5 Feb 1846 - George Larkins conveyed to Robert Whiteway the property with the two messuages and buildings situated thereon. Stated in the will of Robert Whiteway..."To pay George Larkins during the term of his natural life, an annuity of £80 which is charged upon certain lands and hereditaments at Bothwell purchased by me from George Larkins subject to the payment of the said annuity and of a mortgaged debt also charged thereon. (5)

18 May 1858 - Ferdinand Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, blacksmith's shop, annual value £20. (6)

19 Nov 1861 - Ferdinand Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, blacksmith's shop, annual value £20. (7)

19 Nov 1861 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £15. (8)

17 Nov 1863 - Ferdinand Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, blacksmith's shop, annual value £15. (9)

17 Nov 1863 - Richard Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (10)

15 Nov 1864 - Ferdinand Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, blacksmith's shop, annual value £15. (11)

15 Nov 1864 - Richard Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (12)

1867 - Residence of Ferdinand Norton; occupation - blacksmith. (13)

26 Feb 1867 - Ferdinand Norton (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, blacksmith's shop, annual value £15. (14)

26 Feb 1867 - Richard Norton (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (15)

11 Feb 1868 - Richard Norton (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, blacksmith’s shop, annual value £15. (16)

11 Feb 1868 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (17)

1 Mar 1870 - George Pickering (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (18)

1 Mar 1870 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £12. (19)

4 Aug 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.

MORTGAGEE AUCTION. Pursuant to the Proviso contained in an Indenture dated, the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty-six and made between George Larkins of Bothwell in Tasmania Yeoman of the one part and Henry Hopkins of Hobart Town in Tasmania Esquire and William Rout and George Washington Walker (both since deceased) of the other part. Notice is hereby given that default having been made in payment of the principal moneys secured by the said indenture it is the intention of the said Henry Hopkins to cause the lands and hereditaments comprised in the said Indenture to be exposed for sale by public auction by Messrs Brent and Westbrook of Hobart Town Auctioneers at their mart in Collins-street on Friday the twenty-sixth day of August instant at noon with the lands and hereditaments so to be exposed for sale are described in the said indenture, as: All that Allotment and piece of Land with the two messuages and buildings thereon erected situate lying and being in Bothwell aforesaid and bounded in front by a line of two hundred and fifty-two links along Alexander-street commencing at the corner of that street and James-street, at the back by a straight line of one hundred and fifty-two links parallel with the said front line, on one side by a line of three hundred links along James-street aforesaid, and on the other side by a straight line of three hundred links parallel to the said last mentioned line and running along property now or late of James Macdonald. Dated this third day of August 1872. Allport, Roberts & Allport, Solicitors to the Mortgagees. (20)

27 Aug 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.

Messrs Brent and Westbrook report a sale held by them this day, at their mart, saw this property withdrawn. (21)

7 Feb 1871 - Samuel Ayres (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £9. (22)

7 Feb 1871 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £10 8s. (23)

20 Feb 1872 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £10 8s. (24)

11 Mar 1873 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £10. (25)

3 Feb 1874 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £10. (26)

19 Mar 1878 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £7. (27)

27 Jan 1880 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £7. (28)

21 Mar 1882 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £7. (29)

20 Feb 1883 - Joseph Hinchy (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £7. (30)

16 Feb 1886 - Empty, executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), land, annual value 10s. (31)

14 Jan 1890 - Empty, executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), land, annual value 10s. (32)

11 May 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.

CLAIMS TO GRANTS OF LAND. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectlvely for himself applied for a grant from the Crown of the Land set forth and described before his name : Notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, Grants will issue for the said pieces of Land as by Law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of Land may be inspected at the Lands Titles Office, Hobart. Town of Bothwell - 0a 3r 2p. Simon Arnett and William Mason (Application 980G). Caveat must be filed on or before the 6th day of June, 1894. (33)

19 Jul 1894 - Land granted to Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason. (1)

31 Aug 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. Westbrook Bros are instructed to offer for sale at the Castle Hotel, Bothwell, on Wednesday, October 3 next, the following Desirable Property in the Township of Bothwell - Three roods 2 perches of land, fronting on James-street and Alexander-street. Title - Under Real Property Act. Terms - 25 per cent, cash deposit; balance on completion. Reference - Messrs Dobson, Mitchell, and Allport. (34)

12 Aug 1897 - Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason conveyed to Edward Simon Arnett for £70. (1)

9 Nov 1897 - Certificate of Title registered to Edward Simon Arnett - 0a 3r 2p. (35)

28 Mar 1899 - Edward Simon Arnett (owner, occupier), blacksmith's shop, land, capital value £250, annual value £15. (36)

2 Aug 1910 - [1-20] Alexander St. Edward Simon Arnett (owner, occupier), cottage, land, ½ acre, capital value £320, annual rateable value £20. Carpenter's shop, stables, land, capital value £130, annual rateable value £8. (37)


[1-23] Alexander Street - 0a 2r 0p

Bounded on the North-East by three chains and two links south-easterly along land granted to James Macdonald commencing at the North-West angle thereof and extending to Alexander Street; on the South by one chain and sixty-nine links westerly along Alexander Street; on the South-West by three chains and two links north-westerly along land now or lately in the occupation of Mr Walker; and thence on the North by one chain and sixty-nine links easterly along an allotment occupied or belonging to Daniel Hunt and along an allotment granted to John Merry to the point of commencement - 2 roods. (1)

Bef 1 Jan 1842 - Robert Blake purchased the property, but a conveyance has not been located (2).

1 Jan 1842 - Counted on the census. Elizabeth Lewis (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), brick house, completed. (2)

1 Jan 1848 - Counted on the census. Robert Blake (owner, occupier), brick house, completed. (3)

27 Jul 1848 - Land granted to Robert Blake. (1)

27 Mar 1849 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Robert Blake. (1)

18 May 1858 - James Lemon (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £15. (4)

18 May 1858 - John Earnshaw (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £12. (5)

19 Nov 1861 - James Lemon (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, ground, annual value £15. (6)

19 Nov 1861 - John Earnshaw (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £12. (7)

15 Nov 1864 - James Lemon (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, shop, ground, annual value £15. (8)

15 Nov 1864 - Mary Earnshaw (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £12. (9)

1867 - Residence of James Beeston Lemon; occupation - storekeeper and tanner. (10)

1867 - Residence of Mary (McDonald) Earnshaw; occupation - laundress. (11)

26 Feb 1867 - James Lemon (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, shop, ground, annual value £15. (12)

26 Feb 1867 - Mary Earnshaw (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (13)

11 Feb 1868 - James Lemon (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, shop, ground, annual value £15. (14)

11 Feb 1868 - Mary Earnshaw (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, ground, annual value £12. (15)

1 Mar 1870 - James Lemon (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, shop, annual value £15. (16)

1 Mar 1870 - Mary Earnshaw (occupier), Robert Blake (owner), house, annual value £12. (17)

30 Jan 1877 - James Lemon (occupier), executors of Robert Blake (owner), house, shop, annual value £15. (18)

30 Jan 1877 - William Bale (occupier), executors of Robert Blake (owners), house, annual value £10. (19)

7 Mar 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

PROPERTIES AT BOTHWELL, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake. Roberts & Co. By order of the Trustee to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake (with consent of all parties interested), sale to take place at the Yards of Mr Joseph Blake, Bothwell, at 11 sharp.
[1-23.1] - Brick house and store in Alexander Street, known as Lemon's Stores.
[1-23.2] - Weather-board cottage and land, near the stores.
The properties are let to respectable tenants, and most of them have very extensive frontages, allowing space for building purposes. Possession can be had in June next. Terms at sale.

Bef 12 Oct 1877 - [1-23.1] Alexander St - Executors of Robert Blake conveyed to David Wylie however a conveyance has not been located - 0a 0r 39¾p. (21)

Bef 12 Oct 1877 - [1-23.2] Alexander St - Executors of Robert Blake conveyed to Henry Hurley however a conveyance has not been located - 0a 1r ¾p. (22)


[1-23.1] Alexander Street - 0a 1r ¾p & [1-22] Alexander Street - 0a 0r 24p

[1-23.1] - Bounded on the South by eighty-three links westerly along Alexander Street commencing at the South-West angle of land belonging to Henry Hurley; on the South-West by three chains two links north-westerly along land now or formerly occupied by Mr Walker; on the North by eighty-three links easterly along land occupied by or belonging to Daniel Hunt; and thence on the North-East by three chains two links south-easterly along the said land belonging to Henry Hurley to the point of commencement - 39¼ perches. (1)

[1-22] - Bounded on the East by three chains two links and three-quarters of a link northerly along land granted to Robert Blake commencing at the South-West angle thereof on Alexander Street; on the North by fifty links and one-half of a link westerly along land granted to George Branch; on the West by three chains two links and one half of a link southerly along land originally located to Peter Taylor to Alexander Street aforesaid; and thence on the South by fifty links easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 24 perches. (1)

7 Mar 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

PROPERTIES AT BOTHWELL, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake. Roberts & Co. By order of the Trustee to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake (with consent of all parties interested), sale to take place at the Yards of Mr Joseph Blake, Bothwell, at 11 sharp. The properties are all let to respectable tenants, and most of them have very extensive frontages, allowing space for building purposes. Possession can be had in June next. Terms at sale…
[1-23.1] - Weather-board cottage and land, near the stores.

Bef 12 Oct 1877 - [1-23.1]. Executors of Robert Blake conveyed to David Wylie however a conveyance has not been located - 0a 0r 39¼p. (1)

12 Oct 1877 - [1-23.1]. Newspaper advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act:" Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate or interest in the said lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Bothwell - 0a 0r 39¼p. Bounded by Alexander-street and lands respectively owned and occupied by Henry Hurley, the Board of Education, and James Mountstevens. Part of 2 roods originally granted to Robert Blake. David Wylie (Application 1779), 27th, October, 1877. (3)

16 Nov 1877 - [1-23.1]. Certificate of Title registered to David Wylie - 0a 0r 39¼p. (1)

19 Mar 1878 - [1-23.1]. David Wylie (owner, occupier), house, annual value £10. (4)

21 Feb 1888 - [1-23.1]. David Wylie (owner, occupier), house, annual value £15. (5)

27 Jun 1888 - Newspaper article.

SALE of CROWN LANDS. A sale of Crown lands was held by Mr G S Crouch, at his mart, yesterday. The attendance was fair, but the bidding very weak.
[1-22] - Lot 1, containing 24 perches, part of the old school allotment in Bothwell, was sold at upset price £30, to Mr D Wylie.

14 Jan 1890 - [1-23.1,22]. David Wylie (owner, occupier), house, stabling, annual value £20. (7)

28 Mar 1899 - [1-23.1,22]. David Wylie (owner, occupier), house, sheds, garden, capital value £250, annual value £18. (8)

26 Nov 1901 - [1-23.1,22]. Purchase Town Allotment granted to David Wylie upon receipt of £40 duly paid to the Crown - 0a 0r 24p. (9)


[1-23.2] Alexander Street - 0a 1r ¾p

Bounded on the South by eighty-six links westerly along Alexander Street commencing at the South-West angle of land granted to James Macdonald; on the South-West by three hundred and two links north-westerly along land belonging to David Wylie; on the North by eighty-six links easterly along land now or formerly belonging to Daniel Hunt and along land granted to John Merry; on thence on the North-East by three hundred and two links south-easterly along the said land granted to James Macdonald to the point of commencement - 1 rood, ¾ perches. (1)

7 Mar 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

PROPERTIES AT BOTHWELL, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake. Roberts & Co. By order of the Trustee to the Estate of the late Mr Robert Blake (with consent of all parties interested), sale to take place at the Yards of Mr Joseph Blake, Bothwell, at 11 sharp. The properties are let to respectable tenants, and most of them have very extensive frontages, allowing space for building purposes. Possession can be had in June next. Terms at sale.
[1-23.2] - Lot 7 - Brick house and store in Alexander Street, known as Lemon's Stores.

Bef 12 Oct 1877 - Executors of Robert Blake conveyed to Henry Hurley, but a conveyance has not been located. (1)

12 Oct 1877 - Newspaper advertisement.

REAL PROPERTY ACT. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act:" Notice is hereby given that, unless caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles, by some person having estate their interest in the said lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Bothwell - 0a 1r 0¾p. Bounded by Alexander-street, adjoining land respectively owned or occupied by Catherine Hunt, David Wylie and Robert Bonney. Part of 2 roods originally granted to Robert Blake. Henry Hurley, (Application 1777), 27th October, 1877. (3)

16 Nov 1877 - Certificate of Title registered to Henry Hurley. (1)

19 Mar 1878 - James Lemon (occupier), Henry Hurley (owner), house, shop, annual value £15. (4)

25 Feb 1879 - James Moyes (occupier), Henry Hurley (owner), butcher's shop, house, annual value £20. (5)

20 Feb 1883 - James Moyes (occupier), Henry Hurley (owner), house, shop, annual value £20. (6)

10 May 1888 - Property transferred from Henry Hurley to his wife Catherine (Allen) Hurley. (1)

28 Mar 1899 - Miss Amelia Allen (occupier), Mrs Catherine Napper (owner), house, land, capital value £300, annual value £23. (7)

7 Mar 1911 - Catherine (Napper) Allen conveyed to her niece Rita Sealy. (8)


[1-24] Alexander Street - 0a 1r 1p

Bounded on the South-East by one hundred and eight feet and nine inches north-easterly along land granted to Robert Blake commencing at the South-west angle thereof on Alexander Street; on the North by fifty-seven feet and three inches westerly along land granted to John Merry; on the North-West by one hundred and ninety-nine feet and nine inches south-westerly along other land granted to the before mentioned Robert Blake to Alexander Street aforesaid; and thence on the South by fifty-five feet and five inches easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 1 rood, 1 perch. (1)

18 May 1858 - Ellis Love (occupier), William Lewis (owner), house, annual value £15. (2)

17 Nov 1863 - John Mahoney (occupier), Mrs Lewis (owner), house, annual value £10. (3)

15 Nov 1864 - John Mahoney (occupier), Mrs Lewis (owner), house, annual value £10. (4)

26 Feb 1867 - Peter Curran (occupier), Mrs Lewis (owner), part of house, annual value £2. (5)

1 Mar 1870 - Charles William Lewis (owner, Melbourne), Edward Bowden (agent), house, ground, annual value £7. (6)

7 Feb 1871 - Empty, Charles William Lewis (owner), Edward Bowden (agent), house, annual value £7. (7)

11 Mar 1873 - Henry Hunt (occupier), Charles Lewis (owner), Edward Bowden (agent), house, annual value £8. (8)

3 Feb 1874 - Catherine Hunt (occupier), Charles Lewis (owner), Edward Bowden (agent), house, annual value £8. (9)

27 Jan 1880 - Catherine Hunt (occupier), Charles Lewis (owner), house, annual value £8. (10)

24 Feb 1891 - Thomas Bishop (occupier), Charles Lewis's estate (owner), house, annual value £8. (11)

26 May 1891 - An Inquisition of Escheat was recorded for the property belonging to Charles William Lewis who had died without heirs many years ago in the Colony of Victoria and that he was well entitled to the allotment or piece of land and that the same has become the property of Our Sovereign Lady the Queen by way of Escheat. (12)

The following newspaper article was published stating that Charles William Lewis was deceased at this time. However, this is incorrect as the following information confirms he died in Sep 1899.

26 May 1891 - Newspaper article.

COURT OF ESCHEAT. The court resumed at 2.15, when the case of Charles William Lewis, formerly of Bothwell, who died intestate without leaving lawful issue was enquired into. There was no opposition to the escheat, and after the formal proofs had been given the property was declared escheated. (13)

27 May 1891 - Newspaper article.

INQUEST OF ESCHEAT. Tuesday, May 30. Re Charles William Lewis. The property involved was four sections at Bothwell, and Lewis had not been heard of for a period of over 18 years. The jury found for the Crown. (14)

11 Nov 1891 - Land granted to Charles William Lewis. (1)

16 Feb 1892 - Empty, Charles Lewis (owner), house, annual value £8. (15)

28 Mar 1899 - William Hunt (occupier), Robert Bonney (onwer), cottage, land, capital value £60, annual value £6. (16)

8 Sep 1899 - Newspaper article.

A LITTLE STRANGE. He Sometimes was Found in the Yarra. The Coroner's Inquiry. Mr Morrison, district coroner, held an inquest at the Morgue this morning on the body of Charles Lewis, which was found in the Yarra, at Collingwood, on the 4th inst. Godfrey McDonald, engine-driver, residing at Clifton Hill, stated that he found the body of the deceased in the Yarra, near Dight's Falls, Collingwood, on the 4th inst. He reported the matter to the police. The body was fully dressed. Constable Nicholson deposed that he recovered the body and removed it to the Morgue. It was very much decomposed. He had made inquiries, and found that deceased had drawn £10 out of the Savings Bank on the 27th June, but witness had been unable to trace what had become of the money. Deceased, who had not been drinking, left his lodgings on the 29th June. Harriet Thompson, dairy-keeper, Clifton Hill, said that deceased, who was sixty-nine years of age, stayed at her place when he came to Melbourne. He left it on the 29th June last. He was sometimes a little strange in his manner, and went to the Hospital, but did not go in as a patient. Two days previous to leaving he had drawn £10 out of the Savings Bank for the purpose of paying a blll. Deceased had about £230 in the bank. He was very much depressed when he left on the 29th June. He had never threatened to take his life, but on one occasion had spoken about it being an easy place to go to Studley Park and roll down the bank into the Yarra. Deceased had a selection near Trawool. Dr Neild, who made a post-mortem examination of the body, deposed that the cause of death was drowning. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased was found drowned, but that there was no evidence to show how he got into the water. (17)

6 Sep 1907 - Newspaper article.

LOST GRANT. It having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the Recorder of Titles that Grants hereinafter mentioned have been lost or mislaid: Notice is given that the Recorder of Titles, with the consent of the Lands' Titles' Commissioners, will, at the date hereinafter specified, dispense with the production of the said Grants, under Section 93 of "The Real Property Act." Town of Bothwell - 0a 1r 1p. Fronting on Alexander-street, and bounded by lands granted to John Mirrey and Robert Blake. Originally granted to Charles William Lewis. Robert Bonney (Registered Volume LXII, Folio 141g). Caveat must be lodged on or before the 16th day of September, 1907. (18)

19 Sep 1907 - Newspaper article.

VESTING ORDER. It having been proved to the satisfaction of the Recorder of Titles that the land herein described has been sold by the registered proprietor, Charles William Lewis, and the whole of the purchase money paid, and that the purchaser, Robert Bonney, has entered and taken possession under such purchase, and such entry and possession have been acquiesced in by the vendor and his representatives, but no Transfer has ever been signed by the vendor, and can not be obtained, by reason that the vendor is dead: Notice is given, that the Recorder of Titles, with the consent of the other Lands' Titles Commissioners, will, at the date hereinafter specified, issue to such purchaser a Vesting Order in the premises. Town of Bothwell - 0a 1r 1p. Fronting on Alexander-street, and bounded by lands granted to John Mirrey and Robert Blake. Originally granted to Charles William Lewis. (Comprised in Land Grant Volume LXII, Folio 141). Caveat must be lodged on or before the 3rd day of October 1907. (19)

15 Oct 1907 - The Estate and Interest of Charles William Lewis in the land became vested in Robert Bonney for £90 by a vesting order issued by the Recorder of Titles with the consent of the other Land Titles Commissioners. (1)

15 Oct 1907 - Robert Bonney conveyed to Vincent Geard for £90 - 0a 1r 1p. (1)



1. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Simon Arnett, land grant historic, vol 69, fol 62.
2. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, William Lindsay, historic deed, no 01/6326.
3. "Householders' Census Returns for Various Districts, arranged by Parishes (CEN1)", Libraries Tasmania, Samuel Hockey, p255/1842 (
4. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, George Larkins, historic deed, no 03/1572.
5. "Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960)", Libraries Tasmania, Robert Whiteway, no 1141/1865 (
6. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ferdinand Norton, p699/1858 (
7. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ferdinand Norton, p1696/1861 (
8. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p1694/1861 (
9. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ferdinand Norton, p2130/1863 (
10. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Richard Norton, p2130/1863 (
11. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ferdinand Norton, p2078/1864, (
12. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Richard Norton, p2078/1864,(
13. MacPhail, MacPhail's Directory of Tasmania 1867-68, CD, Ferdinand Norton, p64/1867-68, Bothwell.
14. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ferdinand Norton, p469/1867 (
15. “Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Richard Norton, p469/1867 (
16. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Richard Norton, p225/1868 (
17. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p223/1868 (
18. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, George Pickering, p359/1870 (
19. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p357/1870 (
20. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Auction, 4 Aug 1870, p1, c3 (
21. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Commercial Intelligence, 27 Aug 1870, p2, c2 (
22. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p187/1871 (
23. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Samuel Ayres, p185/1871, Bothwell (
24. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p406/1872 (
25. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p250/1873 (
26. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p208/1874 (
27. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p494/1878 (
28. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p92/1880 (
29. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, p658/1882 (
30. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Joseph Hinchey, 386/1883l (
31. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Empty, p430/1886 (
32. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch), Empty, p174/1890 (
33. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Simon Arnett - Claims to Grants of Land, 11 May 1894, p4, c4; (
34. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, For Sale, 31 Aug 1894, p4, c8, (
35. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Edward Simon Arnett, title historic, vol 104, fol 194.
36. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, E S Arnett, p323/1899 (
37. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, E S Arnett, p827/1910 (

[ 1-23]
1. "Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1)", Libraries Tasmania, Robert Blake, p138/1849 ($init=RD1-1-23P144JPG).
2. "Householders' Census Returns for Various Districts, arranged by Parishes (CEN1)", Libraries Tasmania, Elizabeth Lewis, p269/1842 (
3. "Householders' Census Returns for Various Districts, arranged by Parishes (CEN1)", Libraries Tasmania, Robert Blake, p169/1848 (
4. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p698/1858, Bothwell (
5. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, John Earnshaw, p697/1858, Bothwell (
6. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p1695/1861, Bothwell (
7. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, John Earnshaw, p1694/1861, Bothwell (
8. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p2077/1864, Bothwell (
9. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch(, Mary Earnshaw, p2076/1864, Bothwell (
10. MacPhail, MacPhail's Directory of Tasmania 1867-68, CD, James Lemon, p63/1867-68, Bothwell.
11. MacPhail, MacPhail's Directory of Tasmania 1867-68, CD, Mary Earnshaw, p63/1867-68, Bothwell.
12. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p468/1867, Bothwell (
13. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, Mary Earnshaw, p467/1867, Bothwell (
14. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p224/1868, Bothwell (
15. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, Mary Earnshaw, p223/1868, Bothwell (
16. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p358/1870, Bothwell (
17. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, Mary Earnshaw, p357/1870, Bothwell (
18. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, James Lemon, p189/1877, Bothwell (
19. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch (, William Bale, p187/1877, Bothwell (
20. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE (, Properties at Bothwell, 7 Mar 1877, p4, c4 (
21. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Henry Hurley, title historic, vol 22, fol 98.
22. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, David Wylie, title historic, vol 22, fol 100.

[1-23.1, 22]
1. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, David Wylie, title historic, vol 22, fol 100.
2. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Properties at Bothwell, 7 Mar 1877, p4, c4 (
3. "Tribune", (Hobart, TAS : 1876-1879), TROVE, David Wylie - Real Property Act Notices, 12 Oct 1877, p4, c1 (
4. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Wylie, p496/1878 (
5. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Wylie, p403/1888 (
6. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, D Wylie - Sale of Crown Lands, 28 Jun 1888, p2, c7 (
7. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Wylie, p177/1890 (
8. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, David Wylie, p328/1899 (
9. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, David Wylie, land grant historic, vol 99, fol 153.

1. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Henry Hurley, title historic, vol 22, fol 98.
2. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Properties at Bothwell, 7 Mar 1877, p4, c4 (
3. "Tribune", (Hobart, TAS : 1876-1879), TROVE, Henry Hurley - Real Property Act Notices, 12 Oct 1877, p4, c1 (
4. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Lemon, p495/1878l (
5. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Moyes, p373/1879 (
6. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, James Moyes, p387/1883 (
7. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Miss A Allen, p323/1899 (
8. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List (, Henry Hurley, title historic, vol 22, fol 98.

1. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List, Charles William Lewis, land grant historic, vol 62, fol 141.
2. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Ellis Love, p698/1858 (
3. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, John Mahoney, p2130/1863 (
4. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, John Mahoney, p2078/1864 (
5. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Peter Curran, p466/1867 (
6. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Charles William Lewis, p358/1870 (
7. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Empty, p186/1871 (
8. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Henry Hunt, p250/1873 (
9. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Catherine Hunt, p208/1874 (
10. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Catherine Hunt, p92/1880 (
11. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Thomas Bishop, p486/1891 (
12. "Properties & Titles, Tasmania, Australia", The List, Charles William Lewis, historic deed, no 08/6314.
13. "Tasmanian News", (Hobart, TAS : 1883-1911), TROVE, Charles William Lewis - Court of Escheat, 26 May 1891, p3, c6 (
14. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Charles William Lewis - Inquest of Escheat, 27 May 1891, p4, c3 (
15. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, Empty, p478/1892 (
16. "Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925", FamilySearch, William Hunt, p325/1899 (
17. "The Herald", (Melbourne, VIC : 1861-1954), TROVE, Charles Lewis - A Little Strange, 8 Sep 1899, p4, c3 (
18. "The Mercury", (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), TROVE, Robert Bonney - Lost Grant, 6 Sep 1907, p8, c3 (
19. "The Daily Telegraph", (Launceston, TAS : 1883-1928), TROVE, Robert Bonney - Vesting Order, 19 Sep 1907, p7, c6 (