Map 1
Section 27 to 29

Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.

All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website

[1-29] Patrick Street - 10a 0r 0p

Bounded on the South by nine chains and ten links along Patrick Street commencing at the angle of Mary Street and extending as far as Sussex Street; on the East by eleven chains along Sussex Street to the boundary of a grant to Peter Taylor; on the North by nine chains and ten links along the boundary of the said grant as far as Mary Street; and on the West by eleven chains along Mary Street - 10 acres. (1)

Date unknown - The land was granted to Robert Patterson, but a record of this has not been located. (2)

Bef 8 Dec 1840 - Robert Patterson conveyed to Henry Mylam Cockerill, but a conveyance has not been located. (3)

8 Dec 1840 - Newspaper advertisement.

To be sold or exchanged for cultivated or uncultivated Land, in Van Diemen's Land, the following Property in the Bothwell township...
Lot 4. A suburban allotment of ten acres, with a very neat brick cottage, garden, barn, &c, post and rail fenced, and in wheat crop.
Application to be made to H M Cockerill, Bothwell Castle Inn, or to Mr Vincent, Bagdad Hotel. Every accommodation will be afforded as to terms of payment. December 4, 1840.

1 Jan 1842 - Edward Andrews and John Felingham (occupiers), Henry Mylam Cockerill (owner), brick house, unfinished. (4)

14 Aug 1849 - Newspaper advertisement.

To Let, at Bothwell, ENFIELD, the residence of Mr H M Cockerill, within a quarter of a mile of the township, with barn, stabling, &c, &c; ten acres of land attached, securely fenced, and in cultivation. Any portion of the hay, oats, barley (in stack), also a pair of plough horses, the lease of 120 acres of land close opposite nearly all cropped, can be had with the premises at a fair valuation. Apply by letter post-paid to H M Cockerill. Enfield, Aug 13, 1849. (5)

27 Apr 1850 - Newspaper advertisement.

To be Let, at Bothwell. ENFIELD COTTAGE, of brick, containing eight rooms, newly finished and papered, situate in the suburbs of Bothwell, within five minutes walk of the Church; fit for the reception of a respectable family. A paddock of 10 acres, in cultivation, and strongly fenced, is attached to the cottage; also large garden, stable, barn, men’s hut, &c. A stack of excellent hay will be offered cheap to the party taking the premises. Rent £30 per annum, if taken for three years. Apply to HENRY M COCKERILL, Bothwell, April 19, 1850. (6)

4 Aug 1853 - Jonathan Bowden, a carrier, and his wife Mary lived on the property. (7)

29 Feb 1856 - Newspaper advertisement.

AUCTION. Messrs Brent & Westbrook are instructed by H M Cockerill to Sell by Public Auction, on the respective lots in Bothwell, on Monday, the 3rd of March, 1856, at one o'clock...
Ten Acres of Capital Land, situate in the township of Bothwell, on which is built a handsome brick cottage of eight rooms, and every convenient out offices. The property is known by the name of Enfield, and has three frontages. The land has three frontages on the township roads, and is securely fenced with four and five rail fencing; and is well suited for a school or any other purpose requiring room. Possession of this lot may be had immediately.
Terms - Twenty per cent, cash deposit at the time of sale; the remainder by bills at three, six, nine, and twelve months, bearing Bank interest and secured on the property
. (8)

25 Apr 1856 - Eliza (Vincent) Cockerill and Henry Mylam Cockerill conveyed to Edward Andrews for £300. (1)

18 May 1858: [1-29] Enfield, Patrick St - Samuel Perry (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), house, ground, less than 1 acre, annual rateable value £20. (9)

3 Nov 1859 - Residence of Henry Hunt, a labourer, and his wife Catherine. (10)

6 Dec 1859 - Samuel Perry (occupier, erased), Edward Andrews (owner), house, annual rateable value £20. (11)

6 Dec 1859 - Edward Gregory (occupier, inserted), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £10. (12)

6 Dec 1859 - John Finley (occupier, inserted), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5. (13)

20 Nov 1860 - John Finley (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), house, part of 'Enfield,' under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5. (14)

19 Nov 1861 - John Finley (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), house, part of Enfield, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5. (15)

19 Nov 1861 - Henry Counter (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5. (16)

15 Nov 1864 - James Clegg, Peter Curran and George Norton (occupiers), Edward Andrews (owner), house, garden, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £16. (17)

15 Nov 1864 - Edward Andrews (owner), cultivated land, grass paddocks, 11½ acres, annual rateable value £10 - [1-B6-part], [1-29-part], [1-L5, L10]. (18)

26 Feb 1867 - Joseph Barnes (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £2 1s. (19)

26 Feb 1867 - [1-29] Enfield, Patrick St. James Smith (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, annual rateable value £7. (20)

26 Feb 1867 - Samuel Ayres (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5s. (21)

26 Feb 1867 - William Nobes (occupier), Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5 10s. (22)

26 Feb 1867 - Edward Andrews (owner), cultivated land, grass paddock, 11½ acres, annual rateable value £5 - [1-29-part], [1-L5, L10]. (23)

1 Mar 1870 - Empty, Edward Andrews (owner), part of house, ground, under 1 acre, annual rateable value £5. (24)

1 Mar 1871 - The property was transferred from the estate of Edward Andrews to his wife, Catherine (Curtin) Andrews, and son, Charles Edward Andrews. (25)

19 Mar 1878 - John Finley (occupier), Mrs Catherine Andrews (owner), house, annual rateable value £8. (26)

31 Jan 1879 - Newspaper advertisement.

FOR SALE. Properties in Bothwell. Roberts & Co are instructed to sell at their mart, on Tuesday, February 25, at 12 o'clock, the Following Valuable Property in Bothwell...
The property known as "Enfield," situated at the entrance to Bothwell, comprising ten acres of land, on which is a large brick built house.
Terms - 25 per cent, deposit; balance at four, eight, and twelve months, by bills bearing 6 percent, interest, secured on the property. Reference - Messrs Roberts and Allport, or the Auctioneers.

26 May 1882 - Catherine (Curtin) Andrews and Charles Edward Andrews conveyed to Rev John Feehan for £500. (28)

20 Feb 1883 - John Finley (occupier), John Feehan (owner), house, 1 acre, annual rateable value £7 10s. (29)

16 Feb 1886 - David Andrews (occupier), Rev John Feehan (owner), house, land, 10 acres, annual rateable value £10. (30)

3 Jun 1892 - John Feehan conveyed to Charles Albert Nichols for £150. (31)

28 Mar 1899 - Frederick McDowall (occupier), Charles Albert Nichols (owner), 9 acres, capital value £400, annual rateable value £20. (32)




  1. Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Henry Mylam Cockerill, historic deed, no 04/2906.

  2. Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Robert Patterson, Bothwell Land Grant Map, B37/AF819-1-26 (

  3. TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "To Be Sold or Exchanged," Cockerill, 8 Dec 1840, p3 (

  4. Libraries Tasmania: Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), Edward Andrews, p237/1842 (

  5. Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "To Let," Cockerill, 14 Aug 1849, p3 (

  6. TROVE: The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "To be Let at Bothwell," Cockerill 27 Apr 1850, p1 (

  7. Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Notice," Bowden, 11 Aug 1853, p4 (

  8. The Courier (Hobart, TAS : 1840-1859), "Bothwell," Cockerill, 29 Feb 1856, p3 (

  9. FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Perry, p699/1858 (

  10. Libraries Tasmania: Registers of Births, Tasmania (RGD33), William Hunt, no 43/1859, Bothwell (

  11. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Perry, p1557/1859 (

  12. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Gregory, p1557/1859 (

  13. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Finley, p1557/1859 (

  14. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Finley, p1882/1860 (

  15. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Finley, p1694/1860 (

  16. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Counter, p1694/1861 (

  17. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Clegg, p2076/1864 (

  18. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p2075/1864 (

  19. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Joseph Barnes, p466/1867 (

  20. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Smith, p470/1867 (

  21. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Ayres, p469/1867 (

  22. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Nobes, p469/1867 (

  23. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Edward Andrews, p465/1867 (

  24. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Empty, p357/1870 (

  25. Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Edward Andrews, no 613/1871 (

  26. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Finlay, p494/1878 (

  27. TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Properties in Bothwell," 31 Jan 1879, p4 (

  28. The List: Properties & Titles, Catherine Andrews, historic deed, no 06/9503.

  29. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Finlay, p386/1883 (

  30. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, David Andrews, p429/1886 (

  31. The List: Properties & Titles, John Feehan, historic deed, no 08/8394.

  32. Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Fred McDowall, p326/1899 (