Map 1
Section F
Information contained in reports are a timeline of occurrences for each property until 1899 - who conveyed, occupied etc. Complied from records at the Tasmanian Archives, Land Titles Office, Hobart Town Gazette Valuation Rolls and newspaper articles. This is a work in progress and will be continually added to and updated.
All map sections below have been modified from the Tasmanian Archives: Map - Bothwell B37, AF819/1/26
View original map on the Tasmanian Archives website
[1-F1] White Hart Inn, Patrick Street - 3a 0r 14p
White Hart Inn
Tasmanian Archives. Photo - PH30/1/770
Bounded on the North by four hundred and five feet and ten inches easterly along Patrick Street from its angle with William Street; on the East by three hundred and twenty-four feet and six inches southerly along a grant to Francis Freeman; on the South by four hundred and thirteen feet and four inches westerly along High Street to William Street aforesaid; thence on the West by three hundred and thirty-seven feet northerly along that street to the point of commencement - 3 acres, 14 perches. (1)
11 Mar 1834 - William Sherwood conveyed to John Hunter Patterson. (2)
9 Aug 1836 - Newspaper advertisement.
FOR SALE. Inn at Bothwell, by Private Contract, a two-story Brick House, situate in the township of Bothwell, and at present Let to a respectable Tenant, on a Lease, which has Eleven Years Unexpired, at £75 per annum. The House contains eight Rooms, with Tap-room attached, and three acres of Land, all Fenced in, large Stable, good Garden, and, every convenience.
Terms - 20 per cent deposit, and bills at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, secured on the property, and bearing interest at 10 per cent per annum. Apply to W T Macmichael. August 9, 1836. (3)
20 Oct 1837 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Charles Ross for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1838. (4)
29 Sep 1838 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Charles Ross for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1839. (5)
20 Jun 1839 - John Hunter Patterson conveyed to George Larkins for £300. (6)
8 Oct 1839 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Whiteway for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1840. (7)
2 Oct 1840 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Whiteway for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1841. (8)
1 Jan 1842 - Robert Whiteway (owner, occupier), brick house, completed, inhabited. (9)
8 Oct 1844 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Whiteway for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1845. (10)
7 Oct 1845 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Whiteway for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1846. (11)
10 Jan 1846 - George Larkins secured a loan of £450 from Henry Hopkins, William Rout and George Washington Walker. Interest of £7 per centum per annum payable quarterly - includes [1-3], [1-20], [1-B5], [1-E2]. (12)
Bef 5 Feb 1846 - George Larkins conveyed the property, with the messuage and buildings situated thereon, to Robert Whiteway.
Stated in the will of Robert Whiteway..."To pay George Larkins during the term of his natural life, an annuity of £80 which is charged upon certain lands and hereditaments at Bothwell purchased by me from George Larkins subject to the payment of the said annuity and of a mortgaged debt also charged thereon. (13)
29 Sep 1846 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Whiteway for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1847. (14)
13 Oct 1849 - Licence to retail wine and spirits granted to Robert Whiteway for the twelve month period ending September 29, 1850. (15)
18 May 1858 - Robert Whiteway (owner, occupier), public-house, 4 acres, annual rateable value £60. (16)
15 Nov 1864 - Robert Whiteway (owner, occupier), public-house, outbuildings, 4 acres, annual rateable value £55. (17)
26 Feb 1867 - Mrs Sarah Triffett (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owners), public-house, ground, 4 acres, annual rateable value £55. (18)
19 Oct 1869 - Newspaper advertisement.
WHITE HART INN, BOTHWELL. To Let with immediate possession, that old established Inn. Possession immediate. The furniture can be taken at valuation. For further particulars, Apply to Samuel Blackwell, Esq, Melton Mowbray. (19)
10 Nov 1869 - Newspaper advertisement.
TO LET with immediate possession, that old established house, White Hart Inn, Bothwell. Rent £40 per annum. The furniture may be taken at valuation. For further particulars, Apply to Mr Blackwell, Melton Mowbray. (20)
2 Dec 1869 - Newspaper advertisement.
THURSDAY, 16th December, Superior Household Furniture and Effects at Bothwell. Brent & Westbrook are favoured with instructions to sell by public auction, without one fraction of reserve, at the White Hart Inn, Bothwell, on Thursday, 16th inst, at 11 o'clock, the whole of the really superior Household Furniture and Effects, comprising usual articles always found in a respectable country inn. Terms as usual. (21)
12 Feb 1870 - WHITE HART HOTEL, BOTHWELL. Simon Arnett. Having obtained a transfer of the licence for the above old-established hotel, desires to solicit from his friends and the public a continuance of support. The Best Liquors procurable are now in stock and inspection is invited of the house accommodation and stabling. Bothwell, February 12th, 1870. (22)
1 Mar 1870 - Simon Arnett (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owners), public-house, out-buildings, annual rateable value £40. (23)
4 Aug 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.
Pursuant to the Proviso contained in an Indenture dated, the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty-six and made between George Larkins of Bothwell in Tasmania, Yeoman, of the one part and Henry Hopkins of Hobart Town in Tasmania Esquire and William Rout and George Washington Walker (both since deceased) of the other part. Notice is hereby given that default having been made in payment of the principal moneys secured by the said indenture it is the intention of the said Henry Hopkins to cause the lands and hereditaments comprised in the said Indenture to be exposed for sale by public auction by Messieurs Brent and Westbrook of Hobart Town Auctioneers at their mart in Collins-street on Friday the twenty-sixth day of August instant at noon with the lands and hereditaments so to be exposed for sale are described in the said indenture, as...
(Secondly) All that Allotment or Piece of Land with the messuage and buildings thereon erected situate lying and being in Bothwell aforesaid consisting of three acres more or less and bounded on the north by six hundred and thirteen links along Patrick-street, on the west by four hundred and ninety links along William-street, on the south by six hundred and thirteen links along High-street, and on the east by a perpendicular to Patrick-street.
Dated this third day of August 1870. Allport, Roberts & Allport, Solicitors to the Mortgagees. (24)
26 Aug 1870 - Newspaper advertisement.
AUCTION. Friday, 26th August. Brent and Westbrook are favored with instructions from the Mortgagees, to sell by public auction, at their mart, This Day, the 26th inst, at 12 o'clock the following Valuable Property. The well-known "White Hart Inn," at Bothwell, with three acres of land, having an extensive frontage on Patrick-street, in the occupation of Mr Simon Arnett. The premises, which are very commodious, and have lately undergone extensive repairs, are doing a lucrative business.
Terms - 25 per cent cash deposit; balance by bills at 3, 6, and 9 months, bearing 7 per cent interest. Any further particulars may be obtained on application to Messrs Allport, Roberts, and Allport, Solicitors, or to the Auctioneers. (25)
27 Aug 1870 - Newspaper article.
Messrs Brent and Westbrook report a sale held by them this day, at their mart, of the White Hart Inn, Bothwell, for £400. (26)
1 Sep 1871 - Executors of Robert Whiteway conveyed to Simon Arnett for £400. (27)
2 Nov 1872 - Newspaper advertisement.
IMPORTANT TO CAPITALISTS. "WHITE HART INN," Bothwell. Thomas Westbrook (Late Brent and Westbrook), is favoured with instructions from the proprietor, to sell by public auction, at his mart, on Thursday, 14th inst, at 12 o'clock, that Valuable Property at Bothwell...
Known as the "White Hart Inn," with three acres of land, having an extensive frontage on Patrick-street, and a capital garden well stocked with fruit trees. The house, which has recently undergone a thorough renovation, is very commodious, containing 22 rooms, all well adapted to the requirements of a respectable hotel. The outbuildings, which have been newly erected at great expense, comprise barn, skittle alley, convenient sheds, stables, dairy, washhouse, &c, &c, the whole forming one of the most complete establishments of the kind in the country. This property is let on lease to Mr Nichols, having 3 years to run, at the low rental of £55 per annum.
Title unexceptionable. Terms - 25 per cent, cash deposit; balance, may remain for 3 or 5 years at 7 per cent. Reference to Charles Butler, Esq, Solicitor, or to the Auctioneer. (28)
12 Jun 1873 - Newspaper advertisement.
CLAIMS TO GRANTS OF LAND. Bothwell - Section F - 3a 0r 14p. Bounded on the north by 405 feet 10 inches easterly along Patrick-street from its angle with William-street, on the east by 324 feet 6 inches southerly along a grant to Francis Flexmore, on the south by 413 feet 4 inches westerly along High-street to William-street aforesaid, and thence on the west by 337 feet northerly along that street to the point of commencement. Originally located to William Sherwood, under whom and J H Patterson, George Larkins, Messrs Hopkins, Rout, and Walker, Messrs Clarke, Hopkins, and others, Simon Arnett, applicant now claims.
John White, (Applicant 852g) 5th day of July, 1873. (29)
14 Jul 1873 - The land was granted to John White. (30)
4 Dec 1876 - LICENSING MEETING. Friday, 1st December, 1876. Certificate was granted to Mr Joseph Blake for the "White Hart" in succession of Mr Henry F Nichols; to take place at the end of the year. (31)
30 Jan 1877 - Joseph Blake (occupier), John White (owner), public-house, 4 acres, annual rateable value £55. (32)
19 Mar 1878 - Joseph Blake (occupier), John White (owner), public-house, 4 acres, annual rateable value £55. (33)
22 Nov 1889 - LICENSING DISTRICT OF BOTHWELL. Annual Meeting of Licensing Bench, Monday, December 2nd, 1889. Notice is Hereby Given that the following application for a Certificate of approval of a Public-House License being granted has been received by me - Alexander Denholm, White Hart Inn, Bothwell.
Simon Arnett, Clerk of Petty Sessions. Dated at Bothwell, this 16th day of November, 1889. (34)
14 Jan 1890 - Alexander Denholm (occupier), John White (owner), hotel, 1 acre, annual rateable value £50. (35)
24 Feb 1891 - Alexander Denholm (occupier), John White (owner), hotel, 1 acre, annual rateable value £50. (36)
6 Nov 1891 - LICENSING DISTRICT OF BOTHWELL. Annual Meeting of Licensing Bench, December 1, 1891. Notice is Hereby Given that the undermentioned Person has applied for Justice's Certificates approving his receiving of a Public-House License... Alexander Denholm, White Hart Inn, Bothwell.
Simon Arnett, Clerk of Petty Sessions. Dated at Bothwell, this 2nd day of November, 1891. (37)
21 Nov 1905 - John Best (occupier), Mrs Ada Weaver, hotel, land, 3¼ acres, capital value £900, annual rateable value £60. (38)
28 Nov 1904 - The property was transferred from the estate of John White to his daughter, Ada (White) Weaver. (39)
3 Nov 1914 - John Best (occupier), executors of Mrs Ada Weaver, hotel, land, 3¼ acres, annual rateable value £54. (40)
[1-F2] Patrick Street - 1a 3r 37p
Bounded on the East by four chains and eighty-eight links southerly along George Street from its angle with Patrick Street; on the South by three chains and eighty-nine links westerly along High Street; on the West by four chains and eighty-eight links northerly along an allotment located to William Sherwood to Patrick Street aforesaid; and thence on the North by three chains and ninety-one links easterly along that street to the point of commencement - 1 acre, 3roods, 37 perches. (1)
22 Jul 1844 - Land granted to Francis Flexmore. (1)
7 Sep 1844 - Deed of Grant enrolled and recorded to Francis Flexmore. (1)
18 May 1858 - George Goddard (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), houses, annual value £35. (2)
6 Dec 1859 - George Goddard (occupier, erased), Robert Whiteway (owner), houses, annual value £35. (3)
6 Dec 1859 - John Easton (occupier, inserted), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £10 8s. (4)
6 Dec 1859 - Samuel Pitt (occupier), Robert Whiteway, (owner, inserted), house, annual value £10 8s. (5)
6 Dec 1859 - Henry Counter (occupier, inserted), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £7. (6)
27 Dec 1859 - Francis Flexmore conveyed to Robert Whiteway for £20. (7)
20 Nov 1860 - James Dalwood (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, orchard, annual value £10. (8)
20 Nov 1860 - Richard Norton (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £7. (9)
19 Nov 1861 - James Dalwood (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, orchard, annual value £12. (10)
19 Nov 1861 - Henry Hart (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £10. (11)
17 Nov 1863 - James Dalwood (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, orchard, annual value £16. (12)
15 Nov 1864 - Isaac Blake (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15. (13)
15 Nov 1864 - Albion Wicks (occupier), Robert Whiteway (owner), house, ground, annual value £7. (14)
26 Feb 1867 - Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, garden, annual value £15. (15)
11 Feb 1868 - Isaac Blake (occupier), executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), house, annual value £15. (16)
19 Mar 1878 - Joseph Blake (occupier) executors of Robert Whiteway (owner), land 3 acres, annual value £1 10s. (17)
16 Feb 1886 - Simon Arnett (occupier), Whiteway's Estate (owner), paddock, 1½ acres, annual value £1. (18)
Bef 13 Jun 1894 - Executors Robert Whiteway conveyed to Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason. (19)
13 Jun 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.
APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Whereas the persons named at foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the Land set forth and described before his name brought under the operation of "The Real Property Act: "Notice is hereby given that, unless Caveat be lodged with the Recorder of Titles by some person having estate or interest in the said Lands, on or before the date herein below for each case specified, the said pieces of Land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Town of Bothwell - 31 Aug 1894. Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason (Application 2863). Caveat must be filed on or before the 12th day of July, 1894. (19)
16 Jul 1894 - Certificate of Title registered to Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason. (20)
31 Aug 1894 - Newspaper advertisement.
FOR SALE. WEDNESDAY, October 3. Westbrook Bros are instructed to offer for sale at the Castle Hotel, Bothwell, on Wednesday, October 3 next, the Following Desirable Property in the Town of Bothwell. An allotment of land, having frontages of 2 chains 2 links on Patrick-street, and 2 chains 43 links on George-street. Title - Under Real Property Act. Terms - 25 per cent, cash deposit; balance on completion. Reference - Messrs Dobson, Mitchell, and Allport. (21)
20 Nov 1894 - Simon Arnett and William Tasman Mason conveyed to William Jackson for £113. (20)
31 Jan 1895 - Certificate of Title registered to William Jackson. (22)
19 Feb 1895 - William Jackson (owner), land, 2 acres, annual value £4. (23)
28 Mar 1899 - Charles Medhurst (occupier), William Jackson (owner), paddock, 1½ acres, capital value £80, annual value £4. (24)
Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), John White, p110/1873 (
Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, William Sherwood, historic deed, no 01/3203.
TROVE: Colonial Times (Hobart, TAS : 1828-1857), "Inn at Bothwell," 9 Aug 1836, p3 (
TROVE: The Hobart Town Courier (TAS : 1827-1839), "Hotel Licences," 20 Oct 1837, p1 (
FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, "Internal Revenue Office," Ross, p863/1838 (
The List: Properties & Titles, John Hunter Patterson, historic deed, no 02/2638.
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, "Hotel Licences," Whiteway, p1158/1839 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, "Internal Revenue Office," Whiteway, p1151/1840 (
Libraries Tasmania: Census Returns for Various Districts, Tasmania (CEN1), Robert Whiteway, p227/1842 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, "Internal Revenue Office," p1280/1844 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, "Internal Revenue Office," p1254/1845 (
The List: Properties & Titles, George Larkins, historic deed, no 03/1572.
Libraries Tasmania: Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), Robert Whiteway, no 1141/1865 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, "Internal Revenue Office," p1156/1846 (
TROVE: The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, TAS : 1835-1880), "Internal Revenue Office," 13 Oct 1849, p931 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Robert Whiteway, p700/1858 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Robert Whiteway, p2080/1864 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Sarah Jane Triffett, p470/1867 (
TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "White Hart Inn," 19 Oct 1869, p1, c7 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), White Hart Inn, 10 Nov 1869, p1 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "White Hart Inn," 2 Dec 1869, p4 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "White Hart Hotel," Arnett, 12 Feb 1870, p1 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Simon Arnett, p355/1870 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Pursuant to the Proviso," 4 Aug 1870, p1 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Valuable Properties," 26 Aug 1870, p4 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Commercial Intelligence," 27 Aug 1870 p2 (
The List: Properties & Titles, Simon Arnett, historic deed, no 05/7973.
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Important to Capitalists," 2 Nov 1872, p4 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Claims to Grants of Land," White, 12 Jun 1873, p4 (
The List: Properties & Titles, John White, land grant historic, vol 20, fol 169.
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Bothwell," 4 Dec 1876, p3 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Joseph Blake, p187/1877 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Joseph Blake, p493/1878 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Licensing District of Bothwell," Denholm, 22 Nov 1889, p4 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Alexander Denholm, p174/1890 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Alexander Denholm, p486/1891 (
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Licensing District of Bothwell," Denholm, 6 Nov 1891, p1 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Best, p1628/1905 (
Copies of Wills Recording Granting of Probate, 1825-1989 (AD960), John White, no 6477/1904 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Best, p2009/1914 (
Sources - [1-F2]
Libraries Tasmania: Deeds of Land Grants 1832-1935 (RD1), Francis Flexmore, p109/1844 (
FamilySearch: Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George Goddard, p697/1858 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, George Goddard, p1556/1859 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Counter, p1557/1859 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Samuel Pitt, p1558/1859 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, John Easton, p1557/1859 (
Tasmania: The List: Properties & Titles, (, Francis Flexmore, historic deed, no 04/8498.
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Richard Norton, p1884/1860 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p1882/1860 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p1694/1861 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Henry Hart, p1694/1861 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, James Dalwood, p2128/1863 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Isaac Blake, p2076/1864 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Albion Wicks, p2079/1864 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Isaac Blake, p466/1867 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Isaac Blake, p222/1868 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Joseph Blake, p493/1878 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Simon Arnett, p429/1886 (
TROVE: The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "Application for Certificate of Title," Arnett, 13 Jun 1894, p2 (
The List: Properties & Titles, Simon Arnett, title historic, vol 92, fol 174.
The Mercury (Hobart, TAS : 1860-1954), "For Sale," 31 Aug 1894, p4 (
The List: Properties & Titles, William Jackson, title historic, vol 94, fol 176.
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, William Jackson, p528/1895 (
Australia, Tasmania, Government Gazette, 1833-1925, Charles Medhurst, p326/1899 (